Friday, January 15, 2010

Remembering London...

How can I miss something this much. 2 years and four days ago, I left for the most incredible adventure of my life. I studied abroad in the most wonderful city in the world:London, England. I'm sure many people who have gone on this trip with me or even in previous years will agree with me that these short 4 months are life changing. My good friend Beth just left today for her adventure and it made me wonder....what is happening in London today? Here are a few interesting things I have discovered....

*London currently has at least 2.5 million unemployed citizens

*The UK Independence Party is working on banning burkas saying that they "affront British values"

*Snow has been covering the Underground tracks for almost two weeks now. They are having the worst winter in almost 30 years. Guess I have been blessed! I had wonderful weather when I was there.

*Current exchange rate: 1GBP= 1.62620USD. When I was there it was 1GBP=2USD....this is a much better exchange rate now!

*A review of La Boheme-returning to London!

Well thats all for now. I really am missing London tonight. The fashion, the theatre, the lifestyle, and yes even the food. (could do without fish and chips though!) I've sadly slipped back into my all-American way. I think its time to flip the switch back onto the British mindset...if that is even possible.

Cheers love! (haha hey look, maybe it is possible!)


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Well hello again!

It has been quite awhile since the last update! So here I am again....
It's 2010!!! Happy New Year to everyone! 2009 was quite an interesting year. Starting January 4th I was involved in a car accident. Both of us were alright but my car was completely totaled. Luckily my sister had just bought a new car and I was able to buy her old one from her. After that fun business, I decided to change my major. I dropped my education degree and now am going for a BA in Music-Voice and a Communication minor. It was a tough decision, but in the end it was the right one for me. Things seemed to continue to go well until June. I turned 23 years old on the 5th and five days later I lost my job. I had one very rough week and then jumped back on the job trail to find another job. About a month later I started at Hallmark and love it there. As I said in previous blogs, I was in The Sound of Music in September and loved it, I began taking voice lessons at the Wausau Conservatory and continue with those this next semester. Working with Karen has to be one of the best experiences of my life and I wouldn't trade a single moment of it!

Well now the updates on what's happening now! IT'S 2010!!!! This is going to be a year of changes for me. I'm back on my diet after the holidays and already feel better about myself. My parents gave me their 2001 Ford Escape as an early graduation present and cannot wait to start driving that around! I'm giving a recital in Wausau on May 8th, 2010 at 7:30. My dear friends Shelly Bitner, mezzo & Mara Beckman, piano will be assisting me! I'm very, very, very excited for it and hope a ton of people can make it! At the end of the month I start taking ballroom dancing lessons from my good friends Jeff and Missy that I met through Sound of Music. I'm really excited to start dancing again!

I have also recently discovered my absolute love of photography. My aunt and uncle bought me a brand new Canon EOS 40D for Christmas and am enjoying learning how to use it and am even looking into getting some classes. I have two gigs set up already! One for my uncles hockey team and one for my friend Michelle's engagement photos! Things a certainly looking up! If anyone needs some pictures taken, please let me know and we will make it happen!

Well that is all I really have to update on and the current moment! More soon!

Peace and Harmony

Katie :-)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well I promised an update when I finally had some good news! Here it is! I recently accepted a position working for my good friend Kelly at Hallmark in Plover. I love it there so much! A lot to learn and do, but it will be great! I also am involved in Wausau Community Theatre's production of "The Sound of Music"! I'm portraying Sister Margarhetta and am sooo enjoying my time back on the stage after almost two years away from it!
Summer continues to go well and I am enjoying every bit of it! I'm looking forward to the fall when I get back into school and see everyone I love so much again! I will also begin taking lessons at the Wausau Conservatory as well this fall and cannot wait to start singing a ton again! I'm working on saving money so that I can still get into my apartment by fall as well! YAY! That is all for now!

Peace and Harmony!


Saturday, June 13, 2009


Well this past week has certainly been an interesting one and led to some unfortunate things. It started off great last week friday with my 23rd birthday. Great day! The week seemed to continue normally until Wednesday, June 10th. I was called into my bosses office along with one other lady and was let go from my job at sentry insurance due to financial cutbacks. I was in shock for the next few days! Luckily I had gotten a job at Bills Pizza here in town the week prior. So at least I have that. Now I am back on the job hunt and have a couple different jobs I am looking at (one being back at sentry that I really hope to get). So once again I will keep you all updated on my future here, but for now....

Peace and Harmony!


Monday, May 25, 2009


Well this isn't exactly the first time I've attempted to as Shawn Connelly would put it at "digitalizing life". I had a travel blog throughout my study abroad journeys in London and just decided that this new blog would help me share my adventures in growing up in todays society.
It's a tough world out there, we all know it. Jobs are disappearing quicker than we know, money is becoming more and more scarce, and I believe we are all afraid of this. I've recently come upon the opportunity to move into my own apartment. It's a great place and I'm very excited to finally be on my own and learn how to depend on just myself. My only issue with this is money. My current position at Sentry Insurance is an on-call position and is only 19 hours a week. Not exactly the money maker here. So I'm pressured into finding a second job. Not as easy as I thought it would be. 7 applications in one week. Whew! I'm currently now just waiting on some answers and praying for a good outcome.
Like I said its a tough world and I pray for anyone being laid off or fired due to cut backs that something better comes your way and makes you happy! Well I suppose I am off for now. More updates will follow once I get more news back!

Peace and Harmony!